Coming to the Ranch
Read below to find out about our procedures and apply to bring a child or children to the Ranch.

Whispering Angels Youth Ranch provides a safe, nurturing environment to facilitate the four pillars including Hope, Healing, Love and Acceptance. The Ranch focuses on children ranging from 5-18 years of age that have faced or are currently facing various challenges in their lives. While we will not provide clinical/medical therapy, the intent is to replenish the heart, mind and soul to a peaceful existence.

How to Participate
The Ranch
Our session program is open to children, 5-18 years of age, who are facing difficulties and challenges in their lives. On occasion, based on need; age exceptions are considered. The only "other" requirement is that the child wants to come. Whispering Angels Youth Ranch understands that every child deals with his or her circumstances in different ways. Our leaders will adapt the programming to meet the individual needs of each child. While we do not wish to turn a child away, there are a limited number of sessions and volunteers available each month. Although we cannot guarantee a session for every child who wants one, WAYR will do its best to accommodate as many children as possible.
Please fill out the REFERRAL FORM below so we can learn a bit about you.
Please call 678.725.0735.
All About Session Time
The overall goal of our session program is to love and encourage children toward Hope. This process can come in many unique forms. However, there are some choice components that are generally included in each session.
Chores: Every child and leader pair will complete a small chore at the beginning of the session. This time is designated to teach the importance of serving others by giving through the work of your own hands. Often this opportunity empowers children in knowing that their efforts can make a difference to those around them. It enables leaders to better understand each child, each day, and gain perspective for the best use of time to follow.
Working with Horses: The majority of children who come to WAYR are drawn to the ranch because of the horses. These children will learn to correctly handle, groom, ride, round pen and even vet horses during their sessions. Again, each session depends on the needs of the child and of the horse on any given day.
Arts & Crafts: For those who do not wish to spend time with the horses or for inclimate weather, the ranch has some wonderful craft options for a child and leader to use. We have a woodshop and an art room.
Play: Often the most valuable time in a child's life is to allow and encourage them to be a kid by playing. Many children choose to spend their entire session just playing games.
Devotional Groups and/or One-on-One Time: During some of our session times we have girl's and boy's devotional groups that meet each week. This is a great time for the kids to learn to support one another and also become closer to the Lord. Some children prefer to sit quietly and/or talk to their session leader. The serenity garden offers the privacy and quiet solitude that some may need.
Sessions can include one or many of the above components, or even sometimes something entirely unique. Together, the leader and child determine the best course of action for each session time. Session leaders do their best to listen and creatively respond by using the resources of the ranch to support and encourage children in need.
PLEASE NOTE: The session program here at WAYR has one main purpose... to Mentor the Child. There are many different activities used in each session to accomplish this. Some of these activities include crafts, games, chores, spending time with, grooming, and riding a horse. All activities are weather dependent and are chosen at the discretion
of the session leader.

Our insurance requires that every visitor complete a WAYR RELEASE FORM, regardless of the nature of your visit, each year. Click the Release Form on this page to complete and send to us or bring to your first visit.
While each child comes with different needs they will have separate and unique time spent exclusively with the same mentor and the same horse for each session. The children will then develop positive motivation and self-esteem in their journey towards hope. All therapeutic ministry will take place at the ranch under direct supervision of a mentor. These sessions will be approximately 90 minutes.
Information for Parents/Guardians/and Caregivers
Whispering Angels Youth Ranch will require a parent, guardian or some type of caretaker to be present on the property at all times during a their child's session. We would like for all family members to enjoy their time at the ranch, so here are some ideas and some general rules for you and your safety.
Join our adult ministry group. We have a stephen minister in our Faith Room on a daily basis. During group time caregivers and parents can discuss difficulties, trials, praise and more. Some days may include devotional time or a book club review, other days may be casual chatting.
Read or just relax in our serenity garden. Seek out one of the many benches on the ranch for privacy, quiet reflection, and prayer.
The horses love to welcome visitors. We invite you to meet them over the fence. However, please do not enter their pasture, padocks or feed them treats of any kind without permission from a WAYR leader.
All adults and visitors must sign a waiver.
Be kind at all times.
No smoking is allowed on the premises.
No bare feet or sandals. Everyone must wear closed-toe shoes.
Helmets are required to remain on child while around horses, even if they are not riding.
Beware! Horses may kick or bite.
No running or yelling.
No personal pets allowed on the ranch.