Meet The Board

Founder & CEO
Marie Allen
Marie and her husband Doug are the founders of WAYR. Marie currently serves as the CEO of the Ranch.

Board Member
Lynne Hanson
Lynne and her husband, Doug, have called Hall County home for close to 30 years. Originally from Texas, Georgia has been home since 1968. The beauty of the North Georgia Mountains and its people won their hearts. According to Lynne, the community is lovingly generous in serving those who live with life's challanges. It is a privilage to serve many, who are themselves, in these situations. God has opened a door through WAYR to serve children who have been abused and neglected and pair them with horses who have suffered abuse and neglect as well. A serendipitous trip to Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Bend, OR in 2012 touched my heart deeply with the loving work being accomplished between a wounded horse and a wounded child. A similiar work in Hall County through Whispering Angels Youth Ranch would serve children in crisis, as well as, horses in need to accomplish maximum physical and emotional health benefits for both.

Board Member
Kellie Bowen
Kellie grew up in south Florida, competing in high school rodeo and learning the horticulture trade from her parents greenhouse business. She moved to north Georgia in 1994 and in 1997 she married Tim Bowen, a life-long Hall County native who grew up on a dairy farm. They opened Full Bloom Nursery in 2003.
Tim & Kellie also raise Angus cattle and produce hay on their 70 acre farm. Prior to opening the plant nursery, Kellie and Tim were professional horse trainers, working with people of all ages to share their love of horses. They coached young students who showed horses at the novice level while competing themselves at the professional level. They have seen firsthand the special relationship that develops between children and horses.
Kellie is the co-host of the Homegrown Gardening Radio Program on WDUN in Gainesville- Saturday mornings from 10 am to noon.

Board Member
Patti Mouvery
Patti and her husband, John, retired to Hall County in 2015, after living in Lawerenceville, Georgia for 27 years. Patti previously worked for the Centers for Disease Control and the Internal Revenue Service in Human Resources for a combination of 38 years. In retirement, she was looking to be a part of an organization to contribute to the community. After reading an article in The Gainesville Times in 2016 about Whispering Angels Youth Ranch, Patti and John were both drawn to its mission and purpose and started mentoring children there in 2017. Patti and John continue to support the ranch in different capacities because they believe in the strong bond between a child, a horse and a mentor for helping to heal the wounds of children who have suffered different types of trauma in their young lives